Editing, Editing, Editing

Sometimes I feel I'm a machine. I'm not sure how normal it is to pump out thousands of words at a time. When I tried to finish "Submerged in Suburbia" in early 2008, I think I had a day or two where I produced 6,000-8,000 words. It's not easy. If you've done it you've probably experienced dizziness. A lack of handle on reality. Extreme fatigue. Or maybe you're a machine, and you've been just fine.

There were times I lived at my desk.

Over Thanksgiving I put in one last push and added around 11,000 words to the novel. Some cautioned me that it wasn't healthy. That it was too much. That there might be errors.

All valid points. There very well might be. It's extremely hard to edit yourself. But I try to reread sections at a time.

Anyhow, during the last week of December I pretty much reread the large chunk I had edited, cleaned up the grammar, and made what I felt were the necessary final edits to the novel.

We are now into 2013, and I've had the bulk of it completed for almost 5 years. It's time to let the world take a peek and see if there is anything that intrigues them.

As you know this is my new blog. I'm launching a lot of support websites (My own site, Facebook Fan Page, Twitter, Amazon, etc), to provide any fans, haters, lovers or regular humans with different avenues to connect with me.

Let me know your thoughts. Whether positive or negative, I'm here for you.

I will be updating this as often as possible. And if you've followed me in the past, hopefully you'll be delightfully surprised with my new-found consistency of actually updating.

Peace, love, and a little sarcasm, j.d.k.